Saturday, June 14, 2008

Running on empty

I'm not meaning to make this an energy blog but I noted the headlines in BBC news Fuel strike hits supply.

The twist here is that the gas truckers are the ones out on strike over wages. It affects a subcontractor firm who delivers for Shell. Shell account for 10% of UK's supply so concerns are there about shortages and panic buying.

Across the Channel to mainland Europe and add to this picture - truckers strikes in Spain which has resulted in no fresh food in the supermarkets.

Looks like the workers are having a grand old time going on in Europe. Vive la revolution and all that.

It's begining to look like the 70's all over again. Going back to this time period will be a disaster: The thought of "Disco music" is just too much for me to take at my age.

Phileas Fogg,
Houston, Texas
14th June 2008


Phileas Fogg said...

For those of you interested in this topic, Mish Medlock has a good article

In the Spain protests, one driver who ran the strike was seriously burned when his truck was set on fire.

Phileas Fogg said...

In probably one of the most pointless protests I have seen, bikers in Edinburgh held a rally to protest against fuel costs.

That is akin to going to a restuarant to protest food costs.