Saturday, March 22, 2008

It's a small world afterall

it's a world of laughter, a world of tears
its a world of hopes, its a world of fear
there's so much that we share
that its time we're aware
its a small world after all.
Profound words by "Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman" and according to Wikipeadia, apparently it is has become the most translated and performed song on earth. I'd also add the most f'ing annoying.

I bring this up as it occuring to me that as Patrick (now 2) grows up, we will be doing more and more of the kids stuff with respect to vacations. Camping, fishing and bike riding sound great.

Disneyland or Disneyworld is probably going to on that list somewhere. I've been to the one in California (I can't be bothered to remember if is 'land' or 'world' and I've been told many times) with Mary and her eldest daughter, Alexis (then 14) and can't say it was my cup of tea. No indeedee. It was my nightmare trip.

One thing I remember was the 'small world' ride. ARGHH. The thought of having to repeat it brings me out in a hot sweat. Instead of sending the terr'ists to Gitmo and waterboarding them, they should send them to Disney, tie them up and loop them around on that 'ride'. Huh, I recon they'd be confessing to everthing. Being the caring sharing PC guy I am, I updated the picture with a Saudi doll. The shameless hussies were showing too much flesh.

Thus, I am looking at alternatives to Californa or Orlando. If I MUST do Disney, then maybe we can combine it with Europe trip. At least in Paris, we can do other things in vicinity and Disney Europe caved to local sensitivities by allowing wine to be sold onsite. Horrors of horrors ! That means I can get some wine to fortefy me before hand. Plan B if I drink enough, I'll may join in the lyrics in traditional British style : The more razzed up you are, the better the singer you think you are.

The other alternative is Disneyland HongKong (Annoying music alert. Click on link with care or mute) . Along the same lines, I must visit an area then an entire trip is not ruined. But HK is a long time to spend on an airplane with children so maybe not. Europe is not as I can merge it with otherthings. Such as wine..

Decisions, decisions but it's a small world afterall.

Phileas Fogg,
Houston, Texas
22nd March 2008

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