Saturday, March 22, 2008

When a Picture paints a 1000 (cuss) words

The advantage of digital photography is that you can see your pictures without having to wait for prints and then to find that

a) people were blinking
b)you'd cut off their heads c) the dog behind was taking a whiz so spoiling your shot, or in my case
d) you'd taken many days of photo's only to find the SLR camera didn't have any film in it.

The disadvantage with digital is that they are easy to loose, especially for such a scatterbrain as I. Since coming into the digital camera age, I've lost some good photo memories of Central Europe vacation, family holiday in North Florida and recently, a New York trip. I've also lost a flash card with days of good pictures on a train to Munich from alps which had fallen out of my bag.

The former two were on a desktop that I gave to my step daughter but as it turned out, I hadn't transfered those pictures to my external hard drive before I gave it to her. (I could swear I had but they are not there). When I recently asked if she still had files, turned out she had reformated the disk taking my pictures with them.

The NY trip was my own fault. I cleared the flash in my camera where I'd assumed I'd transfered. I hadn't so was no sure what I was thinking. I was lucky in that Mary had her own camera and I had transfered a few, so we hadn't lost everything.

I'm not the only one. A friend of mine lost all his photo's including a Peru adventure after a PC crash.

Since them, I've been religously transfering my photo's to Google via Picassa account. It is a good deal - 1Gb is free - assuming Google keep it like that. Who knows, Google may actually look at where they are spending money with no return

However, there is one problem that film or digital will not help out on : I am not particularly photogenic unlike Mary whose is shown in one of the few NY pictures that I took and still have.

Phileas Fogg,
Houston, Texas
22nd March 2008

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