Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dumb and Dumber

A colleague and I arrived at the Dallas Love Field AVIS airport depot to pick up our rental. As our plane had a trip of severe turbulence no refreshments were served, we dropped out hand luggage in the car and ran inside the AVIS office to get some free coffee. It was now raining heavily.

About 4 minutes later, We had our take away coffees and ran back to our car. We jumped inside, and to our horror, our laptops we gone.

Panicking, we went back inside and told them desk staff our story. After "Are we sure we didn't leave them on the bus" type questions, My colleague went with the station manager to look at video tapes.

I went back outside with another AVIS employee. "What was you bay number?" "Number 27".

Together we go to "27" and look inside and see our laptops still inside the car.


In our haste to get our of the rain, we had ran back to the car in bay #26 instead.

Panic over. Colleague come out of managers office and we made our apologies and made a very sheepish exit.

Phileas Fogg,
Dallas, Texas
19th June 2008.

1 comment:

Ann (MobayDP) said...

uhm. Yeah that definitely was an...interesting...moment.

Next time lock your car if you have valuables in it, just to be safe. Or put the laptops in the trunk or under a coat or something.